Curious Minds
make a difference
shift perspectives
ignite change
open debates
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Curious, de­ter­mi­ned and crea­ti­ve sci­en­tists and re­se­ar­chers are the driving force behind ground­brea­king dis­co­ve­ries and in­sights. They are the ones who advance our re­se­arch, our in­sti­tu­ti­ons, and our society – and make a dif­fe­rence. This is why they are at the heart of the pro­grams we fund at Wübben Stif­tung Wis­sen­schaft.

Our mission

We see our­sel­ves as a stra­te­gic partner and service pro­vi­der for German uni­ver­si­ties and re­se­arch in­sti­tu­tes, helping them iden­ti­fy, attract and in­te­gra­te out­stan­ding in­ter­na­tio­nal aca­de­mics. We believe in the value of un­con­ven­tio­nal ideas, and en­cou­ra­ge stu­dents, re­se­ar­chers and uni­ver­si­ties to break new ground.

Who we are

Please Ir­ri­ta­te Me!public discussion series


Collec­tor's Piecesseries

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introduced by Peter-André Alt

#5 Armin Nassehi

So­cio­lo­gist Armin Nassehi gave a lecture at Bie­le­feld Uni­ver­si­ty on De­cem­ber 19, 2022, en­t­it­led "Making De­cisi­ons under Un­cer­tain­ty." The lecture shows that so­cio­lo­gy is not only abs­tract, but can be ap­proa­ched in an in­tel­lec­tual­ly sti­mu­la­ting and en­ter­tai­ning way.

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