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Please irritate me

Please Ir­ri­ta­te Me!

A public dis­cus­sion series with Peter-André Alt and guests on new per­spec­tives in science and re­se­arch.

An insight starts with cu­rio­si­ty, but it often ends with ir­ri­ta­ti­on. Know­ledge that sus­pends our per­cep­ti­on and judgment rou­ti­nes can ir­ri­ta­te us. At the same time, it mo­ti­va­tes us to ques­ti­on the fa­mi­li­ar. Along with the au­di­ence, we want to be ir­ri­ta­ted by unusual re­se­arch ques­ti­ons, ori­gi­nal ap­proa­ches, and the latest fin­dings that chal­len­ge exis­ting theo­re­ti­cal frame­works. And we are in­te­rested in topics that have either been ne­glec­ted or have never been re­se­ar­ched, in­clu­ding out­ly­ing, un­ap­pa­rent, and sur­pri­sing sub­jec­ts.

In ad­di­ti­on to delving into in­di­vi­du­al re­se­arch topics, we are in­te­rested in the ques­ti­on of how “the new” finds its way into science and re­se­arch. Gaining new sci­en­ti­fic know­ledge is not a strai­ght­for­ward process, and is not based on an ac­cu­mu­la­ti­on of know­ledge, but rather on ano­ma­li­es or chance events, and is the result of a crea­ti­ve process – in­clu­ding trial and error.

Join us to meet sci­en­tists who are fol­lo­wing unusual paths, chal­len­ging us with their re­se­arch, and de­li­vering new per­spec­tives and ideas for sci­en­ti­fic know­ledge-buil­ding.

We look forward to wel­co­m­ing you!

In col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the Junge Aka­de­mie 

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